Stepping Shape
Mit Stepping Shape lernen Kinder das grundlegende Verständnis
... über Geometrie und Mathematik, flache und 3D Formen. Dreieck, Rechteck, Stern in je 4 verschiedenen Farben und Höhen unterstützen beim Erkennen von logischen Abfolgen. Die Muster auf den Blocks und ansprechende Farben sprechen taktile und visuelle Sinne bei Kindern an und stärken somit die Wahrnehmung. Inhalt: 4 x Kreise, 4 x Dreiecke, 4 x Quadrate, 4 x Sterne = insgesamt 16 Teile.
Material: Kunststoff
Maße: Höhen: 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, Base: 30 x 30 cm
Ab 2 Jahre
EAN: 4260197674712
Stepping Shape
Weplay Stepping Shape teaches children basic concepts about geometry
... Including flat shapes & three dimensional objects, as well as the mathematical ideas.
- The blocks shaped in cylinder, triangular prism, rectangular prism and star-like prism and designed in of four different height, help children to establish the concept of height and aequences.
- The shape and raised patterns on the block enhance tactile perception.
- The design of an equidistant, establish children the concept of decomposition and synthesis.
- The different colors and heights of blocks set up children's concept of geometry.
Play Value:
- Help children to recognize basic shapes such as circle, triangle, square, and star.
- Impoove hand-eye coordination and hand muscle control.
- Set up children's array concept..
- Strengthen children's cognition of touch.
- Develop the concept of decomposition and synthesis.
- Build children's concept of assembling.
blocks 16 pcs, bases 1 pc
Material: PE,ABS
Measurements: blocks: 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm height / each shape, bases: 30 x 30 cm
Age restriction: 2 years
Artikelnummer: KC3004
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